MT. VERNON CITY COUNCIL Council Minutes - Mitchell Republic | News, weather, sports from Mitchell South Dakota

2022-08-13 10:17:20 By : Ms. Celia Chen

MT. VERNON CITY COUNCIL Council Minutes July 11, 2022 The regular meeting of the Mt. Vernon City Council was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Weston Frank, with the following council members present: D. Anderson, D. Renken, C. Powell, R. DeKok, and D. Moke. Also present: Maint. Officer G. Deinert, Fin. Officer L. Mayclin, Ryan Yanez of Ringneck & Western Railroad, Ryan Murtha of McLaury Engineering, Blake Harms of Brosz Engineering, Tracy Bork, and Sheriff Steve Harr. Pledge of Allegiance was recited to begin the meeting. All motions are unanimously approved unless otherwise stated. Motion by Anderson, second by Renken to approve the agenda. Murtha presented to council regarding FEMA flood maps. His firm is assisting some other cities in dealing with the changes to flood maps and making sure FEMA gets the maps right. Financing was discussed, and it was noted that state hazard mitigation has funding, but timing may not work out for the city to receive it. The approximate cost for doing the study/surveying would be $100,000. The process would take about 6 months, so it could be included in next year’s budget. Yanez says the improvements for the railroad crossing will likely occur in 2024. The cost to add lights/bells to the crossing is about $200,000. They will be spraying for weeds this week. Harms attended the meeting for the updated project application. Bork says the problems with her neighbor (revving engines and racing cars through town) are escalating, and she has reported it to the sheriff’s office several times. Mayor Frank and Sheriff Harr will be going to speak to the neighbor after tonight’s meeting. Motion by Anderson, second by Renken to adjust the 2022 budget as follows. Whereas, the City Council has determined that the 2022 budget requires adjustment. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Mt. Vernon hereby authorizes the following: Parks Department $4,000; Economic Development Department ($4,000.) Motion by Renken, second by Moke to approve consent items for June. The following were approved: Financial Statement, Council Minutes, General Fund Balances, Credits Report/Bank Statement and Payment of Bills. BILLS: OLD BUSINESS 1. Frank says the blood drive at The Hall seemed to go well, and the current tenants are pleased with their office space. 2. Moke will be speaking with Joel Johnson about several violations, including trailers in alleys. 3. There will be a FEMA meeting on July 20 at 11 a.m. in Mitchell. One or more council persons plan to attend. Kayser and Anderson are working together and will be contacting residents as needed. 4. Motion by Renken, second by Moke to sign the DOT Community Access Grant applications. 5. Council had the first reading of the amendment to ordinance 1.4.9 Regular Meetings, which will add in the first sentence, “unless changed by the city council.” They also had the first reading of 1.4.11 Meeting Rules and Format, to remove wording “from time to time.” NEW BUSINESS 1. G. Deinert reported pricing for lift station pump ($8,826.95.) He also mentioned an emergency generator with lighting was available for $2,000 - $2,500 through Federal Surplus, and council agreed it would be a good thing for the city to have. 2. Mayclin reported Forum Communication has adjusted their billing – reflected this month. She discussed with council where to advertise Geno’s position. Also discussed was ARPA funding available to citizens for help with utilities. It was determined that we would not have a quorum for the August meeting, so it was changed to the August 15. 3. Deinert and Mayclin will be going through information for Deinert’s position and will discuss at the next meeting. 4. Council discussed the possible need for a quick response plan for emergencies. 5. Executive Session for personnel and legal SDCL 1-25-2.1 and 2.3. was not necessary. Motion by Renken, second by Moke to adjourn at 9:37 p.m. Weston Frank Mayor Laura Mayclin Finance Officer GENERAL Weston Frank 170.85 wages David Anderson 60.03 wages Connor Powell 60.03 wages Dave Renken 60.03 wages Sherri Kayser 60.03 wages Roger DeKok 60.03 wages Darin Moke 60.03 wages Ardis Overweg 566.06 wages Gene Deinert 3,300.16 wages Laura Mayclin 922.25 wages Christopher Mayer 2,052.30 wages Glen Wentland 158.91 wages MV School 75.00 rent Davison Rural Water 7,246.80 water SD Retirement 554.64 retire Verizon 61.29 util Santel 235.10 util Northwestern Energy 990.44 util Petrik 3,505.49 garb Forum Communication 401.27 publ SD State Treasurer (DOR) 215.17 sales tax SD Reemployment Ins 37.30 Unempl CorTrust 2,111.85 941 Menards 125.25 supplies Westy’s 378.87 Fuel MVG&O 495.82 Fuel Davison County 102.00 Blading Runnings 447.73 Maint Hohbach Electric 1,926.78 Maint SD Fed Property 126.00 supplies Carquest 30.42 supplies Ardis Overweg 172.07 Maint National Geographic 30.00 Maint J&W Mktg 160.00 Mgmt CorTrust Visa 28.85 supplies Kalissa Mayclin 62.50 Cleaning Wilbur Ellis 272.30 Maint Degen Stump Removal 4,935.00 Maint Mitchell Roofing 10,250.14 Roof WATER Gene Deinert 230.87 wages Northwestern Energy 88.71 util SD DOH 30.00 Lab CorTrust 38.26 941 Northwest Pipe Fittings 223.67 Repairs Prairieland Collections 13.40 Collections CITY TAX Northwestern Energy 32.37 util SEWER Santel 46.05 util Northwestern Energy 141.84 util SEWER SURCHARGE USBank 16,346.28 Project Published 1 time at the total approximate cost of $58.00 and may be viewed free of charge at (August 13, 2022) 90439