With mechanisms of governing, backing up, and guiding infrastructures or innovations, cryptocurrencies have a mechanism known as centralization and decentralization. Centralization has to do with single authorities having a say over the affairs of the platform. In contrast, decentralization involves having this authority distributed among a network or community that makes up its platform.
With platforms such as Ripple and Hedera, centralization is the order of the day in the functionality of its system. This comes with the added advantage of efficiency and the smooth running of the platform because it does not take much for decisions to be made. Still, it also takes away the freedom of the community members to have a say in their activities. This freedom and democracy are what the Big Eyes Coin (BIG) brings into the picture to help manage a more accessible and joyful platform for its community members to enjoy.
Ripple (XRP) was created to help the already existing methods of payments and transactions. It does this by making it more open and having fewer government authorities control the system. Ripple gives participants on its platform, who certain members have approved of, the power to validate transactions. The utility token Ripple (XRP) makes this possible with its design and mechanism. A total number of 100 billion Ripple (XRP) minted was made to be distributed to members of its community and the general public. During transactions, there is no fee charged or Ripple (XRP) destroyed due to the enormous amount of tokens in circulation. Despite Ripple’s fantastic features Ripple, it is still a centralized cryptocurrency, meaning a single authority can still gain power and control over the affairs of its system and functionality, rendering the openness of its platform useless. This is shown in its use of validators for transactions carried out on its system.
The Hedera platform was created to enable users to carry out transactions and launch their applications with authority given to a particular group of business enterprises to oversee these activities. Created by Leemon Baird and Mance Harmon, Hedera (HBAR) has gotten 124 million USD in token sales through a SAFT agreement. The utility token Hedera (HBAR) serves as the token for governing the Hedera platform. With this token and the hashgraph data structure, transactions done on the system are cheap.
A governing council oversees the platform’s activities and determines how the Hedera (HBAR) tokens will be used. The thirty-nine members who constitute this governing council are the business enterprises that were mentioned earlier. Hence, it is a centralized token. All transactions and application operations on the Hedera platform are done with the Hedera (HBAR) token. Launched in 2018, there is a total supply of 50 billion Hedera (HBAR). When users stake their Hedera (HBAR), incentives are calculated and distributed according to the number of tokens staked. Using a hashgraph, contrary to the commonly used blockchain technology, Hedera (HBAR) can provide scalability and security for its user’s assets.
With Ripple (XRP) and Hedera (HBAR), there are unique features that benefit users and purchasers of the tokens, but this is all regulated by the centralized authority in charge. Big Eyes (BIG) tokens will have the opposite effect.
Focusing on community building and welfare, the Big Eyes Coin (BIG) was born. By serving decentralization contrary to the centralization being offered by Ripple (XRP) and Hedera (HBAR), a platform of fairness and democracy is formed. This is to say that whatever suggestions, requests, or needs the community members require will be provided for them because they are the most important members of the platform.
By using decentralization in its financial and Non-fungible token (NFT) activities, the Big Eyes (BIG) token will potentially be able to grow when it launches on the crypto market due to its attitude towards its main propellers for success, the community. These community members have a lot of benefits in the reward system to help encourage their effort in seeing the Big Eyes Coin (BIG) become more adopted and recognized worldwide. This democratic system of cryptocurrency welfare and activities have also extended its desire for freedom to the ocean, showing its care for the aquatic habitat.
To support the community and make the Big Eyes Coin (BIG) succeed, an NFT event will be organized and feature members of the community. With an event as large as this, the Big Eyes Coin (BIG) NFTs has a higher chance of succeeding in the NFT market, potentially reaching the heights of the top 10. This will relatively serve as a media outreach and buzz for boosting the popularity of the Big Eyes (BIG) token, with much media coverage for these events. The sale of cute merchandise created by the team members behind the coin and the sale of the comic strips also being created will serve as a form of advertisement to further boost the progress of Big Eyes (BIG) tokens on the market. Everyone loves something cute, which is what Big Eyes Coin (BIG) is all about.
To carry out its plans and ensure the success of it all, the team members have created a roadmap to serve as a guide to this end goal. The roadmap is shared into four stages, each being synonymous with Big Eyes Coin’s growth and success (BIG).
The first stage, which is also known as the crouch stage, will have the promotional machine go live. This includes the telegram page of Big Eyes Coin (BIG) with its 15,000 members, all social channels of the platform going live, media stunts and adverts to help promote the token, its pre-sale going live, its pre-sale website going live, and an audit session for the Big Eyes (BIG) token.
The second stage, which is also known as the leap stage, will have the Big Eyes Coin (BIG) merch shop go live, the first bridging of blockchains added to the system, the token being listed on new swaps, the Big Eyes (BIG) token swap going live, the snippets for NFTs released for users, digital stickers, the members of the community being given the Big Eyes (BIG) tokens, meme machine for entertainment purposes, a campaign for the influencers to promote the token, the social media channels being verified, charity donation being done for the first time, the website going live, a total of 25,000 telegram members and 20,000 Big Eyes (BIG) token holders.
The third stage, also known as the run stage, will include the official release of BIG NFTs, digital stickers for the community renewed, the meme machine put on overdrive, media stunts becoming bigger, and a campaign carried out to make Big Eyes (BIG) token more known, a total of 50,000 telegram members and 50,000 Big Eyes (BIG) token holders, charity donation being made for the second time, NFT release to the users on the Big Eyes Coin (BIG) platform.
The fourth stage, also known as the catwalk stage, will include all plans that have experienced the result-yielding process, and the ready-to-evolve platform. It will have the NFTs grow, more swaps added, more chains bridged with the existing one, and a million USD being donated to charity and community events.
The token symbol of the “purr-fect” Big Eyes Coin is BIG. The token name is Big Eyes Coin. The total supply of Big Eyes (BIG) token is 200,000,000,000. There will be no taxes or fees on transacting these tokens. 70% of total tokens will be for public sale. 20% of total tokens will be for exchanges. 5% of the total tokens will be for the marketing wallet. 5% of total tokens will be for charity
The 10% tax on NFTs will be shared as follows:
Big Eyes Coin (BIG) shows the potential to do well with the number of unique features backing it up. Without centralized authorities, it will be difficult for prizes to be manipulated or for community members not to have a say in how they want the platform’s activities to go. However, proper research and care are advised to be taken, as no one can accurately predict the future.
The content is for informational purposes only and may include the author's personal opinion, and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of TheCryptoBasic. All Financial investments, including crypto, carry significant risk, so always do your complete research before investing. Never invest money you cannot afford to lose; the author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your financial loss or gains.
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